Most people are surprised to learn that fall comes in a close second to spring as an ideal time to plant. The welcome cooler temperatures, shorter, brighter days and steady rainfall provide a perfect environment for fall plantings to make a nice, easy transition into your landscape design. Even though winter is on the horizon, September and October (sometimes into November) provide a wonderful time frame for plants to establish roots and achieve great results. There are a few ground rules to follow to ensure good fortune in your fall landscaping.
Timing is Everything
There is a planting window of 6-8 weeks that you need to take advantage of before the ground freezes. There is no hard date when this happens, but mid-November is usually a good deadline to use. Once the ground freezes no new roots can grow until spring. This time frame allows plants to get established in their new home and mature enough to handle winter weather.
Mulch is Everything
Now is a perfect time to do a thorough clean out of your beds and other planting areas. Completely removing all your summer flowers and weeds provides a perfect opportunity to also clear out old mulch. When you get cold, you add additional layers. Mulch acts in the same way, providing much needed insulation for plants in cooler temperatures. Installing a new layer of mulch in the fall provides a critical layer of protection for both established and new plantings.
Design is Everything
This is a great time to think about adding some different design elements into your landscape plan. Grasses are a beautiful component to add during this time of the year. Because they come in such a variety of shapes and colors, they are an easy way to add texture and a focal point to any space. Topiary and spiral evergreens are another fantastic way to define your exterior spaces during cooler months. These impressive specimens can withstand even the harshest weather conditions. Lastly, don’t forget about color. Pansies are an excellent way to add color into your planter beds and containers. When planted in the fall, pansies will bloom off and on all winter, popping up whenever there is a thaw.
We are always available to facilitate a walk-through of your space and provide a free estimate of our services. You can reach us at 240-531-2066 or We look forward to being your partner in creating beautiful spaces!